Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My Resolutions

So most of you know that I have a lot of goals. Goals for my career, my family, my health and my overall future. Needless to say, I have a lot of goals for 2008. Among saving money and staying organized, my biggest goal is to lose weight and get in shape.
Since I have turned 21, I have gained probably 30 lbs. It kind of snuck up on me... all of a sudden nothing fits me. My weight has fluctuated a lot since I was about 16 and its time to get it all under control. I figured there was no better time than the New Year!!
So since I think accountability is huge... I decided to start a blog about my adventure through working out, losing weight and possible temptations... I am only giving this to my closest friends who I feel comfortable sharing all these PERSONAL details with.
Tomorrow morning I will do my first official "weigh in" and continue to do weekly weigh-ins on Mondays. I am just going to try eating my best alone, and then possibly Weight Watchers... depending on how well I do without it. I'll keep you posted...wish me luck and keep me in your prayers!

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