Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First Weigh In

Let me first begin Weight is such a funny thing... you never know how bad it really is until you step on that scale. And as things get worse, I tend to venture further and further away from the scale- probably what I needed most in these past couple months. I can't do anything about that now, except look forward.

Let me just say I weigh more than I should. I am 5'8. Someone once told me average weight for women is 100 lbs for 5'0. Then you add 5 lbs for every inch. That means I should be 140? My ultimate goal is to be 150. But I am not even touching on 'ultimate' for now.
All of that is in the past now. Someday soon I will brag about how I came from here.

*Also, my first "goal" is to lose 10 lbs by February 1st. I know the first part will be the easiest... so I think that is feasible and isn't setting myself up for failure. Only time will tell...

1 comment:

Michele said...

"Weigh" to go Lele- I am proud of you for taking on this venture.
You can do it- and your goals are reasonable! There is a two week diet from Weight Watchers- choice of high protein or high carbs, which is supposed to be a good jump start for dieting- without any point keeping- let me know if you want a copy of it.
Good luck! Heard you worked out tonight! Love ya, Mom