Monday, January 21, 2008

Gross Day

Ew ew ew. Today was good... stressful day back to work. I just get more and more frustrated with every day that goes by. Maybe this was a sign from God, but yesterday, my Treo broke... straight up broke. I put the battery in and it shows me some cool looking stripes-thats all. I had my old razor and programmed that as my new phone and ordered a new blackberry. I cannot tell you the itch I have to check my email. Its really kind of sickening. I am so distracted even writing this blog because I didn't check my email first. Okay, I'm better now (I just checked it).
Anyway, I am trying to deal with work one day at a time... I feel like 1 day cannot go by without a disaster. I just have to take it out on the gym. I went to lunch with my mom, we had fun and ate appetizers at PF Changs (I checked the caloric info before). I did fine during the day, went home from work and ran. I ran probably a mile and a half- I am still hurting from last week! Ahhh! Then I went home and lifted weights and did crunches. I had to eat dinner fast so I grabbed some shrimp cocktail and an orange. Maria, Brooke, my mother and I went to see 27 Dresses... I decided I would let myself have a treat and grabbed some gummie worms for the movie. I finished a small bag of them and proceeded to eat some popcorn. Yuck...! I ate probably 3-4 handfuls, but it had been SOOOOO long since I had eaten like that it was crazy! (It almost feels good to feel gross about that.) So I had to cut myself off and continued drinking my water for the entirety. The movie was AMAZING- I suggest all of you see it... even you Dad :-). Now I am at home watching True Life "I'm Happy to be fat"... how fitting. I will consider that another sign from God. Point taken.... moving forward from a rough weekend and hard Monday. I promise I will continue on the right track... gimmie some motivation people!

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