Tuesday, January 8, 2008

7 days straight

Today is the official 7th day of the diet. I have gone 7 days eating well without cheating. Today was pretty easy, I kept relatively busy, working all day and then off to Outback at night. I skipped breakfast this morning and grabbed a Starbucks (non-fat vanilla latte). I went out to lunch with one of the owners today and looked at some property I'd like to move our offices into. Dave, the owner, like the property a lot, which is great news since its super close to my house! We went to Calistoga for lunch and I ate a salad with ahi tuna on it...yum yum. The dressing was a sesame ginger vinegarrette... not the healthiest, but I limited my portion. I ate a banana for a snack through the rest of the work day. Before Outback, I stopped at home to change and I made myself a turkey sandwich on wheat, and packed pudding, cheese made with 2% milk, and a serving of crackers- to prevent me from being hungry at work. I ate the sandwich on the way to work and snacked after my shift on the rest. I didn't eat a single french fry. For those of you in the business, you know how prevelant a french fry is and how often you just pick one of the plate... it became such a routine- but felt so good to not to do! I did drink half of a sprite-worth a whopping 70 cals- ugh... but oh well. I ended the day right around 1400 calories. I am pretty happy with that considering my goal is 1500! No workout today... aside from waiting tables... but I will be up again at 6 to run and I may even look into yoga tomorrow night- theres a facility by my house that does a beginners yoga course on Wednesday nights... Alright, I'm off to rest up for tomorrow- dont forget- tomorrow is another weigh in! Ahhh...pray for me!

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