Thursday, April 23, 2009


Last night I had a little cocktail party and a couple of my dear friends came over. Renee came over early and helped make food and put things on my wall. I have a ton of photographs that are framed. We were going through them all and it is funny to think of how far I have come since I probably put those pictures in the frames. Or how far we have all come.
[Translation. "How far I have come"= How many of these people I never talk to anymore. "how far we have all come"= the clothes, hairstyles and men we have disposed of since...]
Either way, I am in desperate need of updating my photos.I still have my best friends from high school that I will be friends with forever. But I have made a few new close friendships and met a lot of great people over the past year. It's weird to think that my friends from Crew have only been my friends for a year. I have met a lot of amazing people, got really close with a couple people and gained a best friend and accountability partner out of the group. I am excited to see what God has in store with this mission trip to Haiti in June.
Anyway, I'm getting off topic. So I had some of my girlfriends over and ended up staying up late with Tiffany and Jen talking about photography. I took two years of photography class in high school. I know what a good shot looks like and can critique a photograph. Obtaining a good shot is a different story. I am loving being behind the camera. And I feel like between Jen and Tiff and Maria, I am getting a MAJOR crash course in order to be prepared for May 8th. May 8th is the date when Maria and I are shooting a wedding together in Bonita. I am excited. And super nervous/anxious/down right scared. This is some girls wedding day and I am partially responsible for making sure her moments are captured. Maybe I'm in over my head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep them coming!