Thursday, October 30, 2008

Barack Obama Rally

First of all, I understand this may cause some controversy as the majority of my fan base (ok, my 3 friends that read this) may be sort conservative. I feel like I am having to do this all too often, but I am putting a disclaimer that I am not 100% positive on who I am voting for, I am not discussing my views or opinions, I strictly would like to journal about my day in order to better remember it.

4 a.m. Wake up and I am totally pumped. I woke up easier today at 4 than I usually do at 7.

4:30 a.m. Leave my house and drive to Sarasota in the freezing cold. I believe it was in the 40's.

6 a.m. Arrive to the venue and get in line. It is pitch black dark outside and again we are freezing. My friend Della and I are stoked because it looks like there are only about 200 people in front of us (the Ed Smith Stadium holds about 10,000). In front of us and behind us were groups of young people... and young as in, can't even vote. I think it's pretty cool- that they'd want to see the rally and they don't even get a say in the matter. The kids in front of us were 2 couples, kissing and snuggling. Gag. And they kept smoking cigarettes... which is interesting considering they can't vote...? There were 2 girls behind us that were great. Della and I finally sat down since the line wasn't going to move until 9. We pretty much compared what we felt like to being a victim after the Titanic crashed, freezing and floating on a door from one of the cabins. (Dramatic much?)

7:30 a.m. My friend Leslie and her friend Judy find us and hang out with us in line. (I should have charged them for that.) The line is wrapped around the parking lot of the stadium and onto the street now... thousands of people. At one point a bus of kids drives by and kids are hanging out the window chanting, O-ba-ma, O-ba-ma. This was one of the coolest things to see while waiting outside. There are a ton of vendors walking around selling shirts, buttons and hats. I am tempted and buy a button, but don't allow myself to go overboard. I have to remind myself, I came here just to check it out- this isn't a concert or game for me to just buy merchandise. It's hard not to try to keep up with the Jones'. Every one's in their get-up (I'm just repping Florida and the greatest college on Earth) and its easy to get excited. Maria told me that if I was in the middle it was kind of unfair to go see Obama and not see McCain, because I would get pumped for one and have that in my heart... so I was trying to be totally middle ground. And the sun was coming up. Which was a blessing in its own... beautiful sunrise, which I haven't seen (or I should say looked at) in a very long time. However, it seemed to have gotten colder and a breeze picked up. So we were miserable.

9 a.m. The doors are finally being opened and we are all being shuffled toward the security areas, scanned and searched. We are walking into the stadium (okay, half-running) and we realize we will be on the floor (or field, rather) and get a spot in front of the podium like 4 people from the front. We take turns sitting and standing and reading trashy magazines (which is a huge treat since I gave up Perez Hilton last year...) and whining.

10:20 a.m. Obama's plane flies by the stadium and is headed to the airport. Everyone cheers. I look around and the entire stadium is packed. The stadium seating and what I can see on the field.

11 a.m. Various people come on stage. A pastor prays, a group sings, a girl says the Pledge of Allegiance and then a couple others speak. Nelson comes on and everyone is getting a little pushier and pushier. I now see that there are like 6 people in front of me from the railing now... space is getting tighter and I thank God I am not claustrophobic. Nelson introduces Obama and Obama and several secret service agents (hello, sexyyy, but I checked for rings, mostly married, story of my life) come running out from a tent waayyy behind the podium and music plays (this FMHS football team running from the locker room onto the field. I know horrible imagery). Obama comes to the podium and is waving and smiling and its crazy. Talk about a whirlwind of emotions. i mean, when people were having microphone problems, I was close enough to still hear their voice. Can I emphasize that? I saw Obama's crows feet when he smiled and his eyes got all squinty.

Obama talks about a lot of the issues. At one point he brings up McCain's policies and the crowd starts boo-ing. Obama put his hand up in order to stop or calm the crowd and says, you don't have to boo, you just have to vote. This was probably one of my favorite parts.
Obama addresses the socialistic accusations and says something to the effect of, I shared my toys when I was in kindergarten... I split my peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a friend in 6th grade. Now I am a communist? A socialist?
Obama seemed very relaxed, very calm and sure of himself and his respresentations. As much as I was trying to just go there and remain middle ground, he definitely pumped me up for change. He talked about a lot of issues that directly affect me, rather than issues I may support. (Does that make sense?)
We headed out of the stadium around noon. It was such a great experience... something spontaneous that I will look back on and never forget. Now its time for me to figure out where the issues I feel passionately about weigh out in my heart. I know what I believe and what is right... but I have to figure out the presidence of each of those issues...

On a much, much lighter note. We had a soccer game tonight and we played a pretty physical team and we only had one guy sub and one girl sub. Aaaand, albeit exhausted, I still was able to score a goal. Not just a lucky shoot and score, but a beautiful cross from my cocky British mate and I left-footed the ball right into the net. The goalie didn't even see what was coming. (Speaking of cocky...) We won the game 3-0. Great way to end my day. Now its time to snuggle up and rest... I get to meet with the bureau of investigations for the Florida Department of Financial Services (no big, they just hold my licensing and business in their hands) in the morning. I'll be sure to write about that soon.


Libby said...

wish I could have been there!!!

Nichole said...

Girl---you don't need a disclaimer:) That's what America is all about. We all get to make our own decisions.

This election is monumental. Now, you *know* who I'm voting for (wink:)) being all conservative and all:)

hugs and love to you!