Monday, October 27, 2008

So Emotional.

This may sound silly but I used to be a CRYBABY. I had friends who would laugh at me (Libby) when I would cry in movie. Any slight bit of sadness and bam! cut to me sobbing. Well, after breaking out of a 3 year relationship (in which I cried a lot, during and after) and getting over it all, I felt like I lost my emotional side. Things no longer brought tears to my eyes... little things I was able to enjoy and experience no longer affected me. Looking back now, I realize that I made myself numb to my emotions because the break up hurt soo bad (not to mention him knocking up a girl and having a baby within a year...but I am forgiving him for that, obviously). I could make it through the Notebook without even a slight eye-water. And I would yearn for it... like I would want to experience those emotions so badly.
I don't know when it happened, apparently gradually, as God usually works in my life, but I got my emotions back! I broke down yesterday in church, I cried while reading "Love You Forever" to Kyla last night (yes, she did make fun of me), and cried while reading my sisters post about her birthday (I'll get to that). [Oh and I cried after soccer Saturday... haha, just kidding... kinda.] I haven't completely written about it but God has changed my heart in so many areas of my life that I am sure my emotions are going along with it. I am totally ready to be exposed and experience every aspect of my walk with Christ! Oh, how I love the fire that follows brokenness!
I pray God, that you will continue to allow me to see your evidence in my life as it is so apparent right now. I don't ever want to lose that. I pray that you continue to change my heart and mold me into the woman you want me to be. I pray that you allow my heart to forgive and be joyous and loving. I pray that I can live out YOUR name and be an example of YOUR love... and thank you for all you are doing in my life!

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