Tuesday, October 28, 2008

To my niece and nephews...

Although I am not your mother, I love you all as if you are my own... and in some capacity it scares me half to death to have my own children if I love you all so much! You are each so special and dear to my heart... and doing amazing things right now. I don't ever want to forget how much you all mean to me and how much I mean to you (this could be fading slowly...) right now.

This is a photo of us in Iowa... not the greatest but me with all of you nonetheless. This is a hard thing to accomplish, but 2/5 smiling, and 4/5 looking at the camera- I'm pretty happy about it.

Sean- You're getting older and establishing quite the 'tude. You are such a sweet and kind boy, its hard for me to see how your personality is starting to change into that of a teenager. I am coaching your U-12 soccer team (with Mom) and it is so hard to separate my aunt and coach roles. I want to scoop you up into my arms like a baby and other times I just want to scream my head off at you. Right now you walk and/or ride your bike to middle school. My house is between your house and your school and you stop over about 3 times a week after school. It makes me feel so great that you will leave your buddies (or sometimes bring them with you, which can be kind of awkward) and come see your Aunt LeLe. Sometimes we try to play card games or just talk but since your mother never stops calling me, she usually makes you come home sooner than I would like. I really enjoy this time we get to spend together.
Kevin- Today was your 10th birthday. You have been in *mmhmm* a bit of trouble lately for some selfish decisions so you were unable to accept gifts this year. You didn't have school so I told you I would bring you anything in the WORLD that you wanted for lunch. You chose either Chinese or Pizza. Since Mom and I are trying to eat a little better- we decided Chinese food would be the way to go. When I got over to your house today you were glowing and so excited... (I am trying not to take for granted that I work from home and have the flexibility to do these things for you). When we were plating up the food you asked me, "LeLe, what if I told you I wanted food from Japan?!", I replied that I would have found a Japanese takeout place for ya! You thought that was clever. Your Gammy Susan and Grandpa Fred gave you $50 for your birthday and since you have to donate all your gifts (see selfish decisions above), you were excited to tell me you were going to buy things for the children for Christmas at Grandma's (Michele, my mom) school. I know you have a giving heart... I just hope we can see more of that in the next 10 years of your life!
Sean & Kevin- I drove you home from soccer today with Mom and we turned on 105.5 and jammed out to Akon's 'Dangerous'... Mom and I were dancing really silly and you two laughed at us. When we got in your driveway we decided to turn up the music and have a dance party with my car doors open. Well, you two jetted and were so embarrassed. Someday you'll realize how cool we are. (Not to mention our fabulous dance skills.)
Kyla- Mom and I are coaching your U6 soccer team right now. Somehow or another I have missed both your goals so far in the season. Tonight you were throwing a fit about the way your cleats were tied before the game and I swear I spent 15 minutes tightening and loosening them so they would be just the way you wanted. You are so smart and aware- you know I have never seen you score a goal. So tonight you had a breakaway in your game, dribbled the ball up the field and scored. I was sooo excited for you and even more excited when you turned from scoring and ran right over to me, jumped in my arms and gave me a hug! Its moments like this that make me remember why I can not move more than 10 minutes away from you guys. Last night you asked me to move into your house and stay there forever. I told you to ask Dad and he said he would have to build a separate wing for me... you weren't satisfied because you wanted me in your house. For now, the 1 street between us will have to do. I love reading and playing with you. I got you this Hannah Montana hair set for your birthday that has a pink 'dye' stick and purple glittery gel... and we love to play with this together. Mom and Dad hate it. But we think it is super cool to put gel in our hair and give ourselves matching pink highlights. We are totally rockstars.
Carter- You are my little man. You have a spirit that everyone recognizes is special. I know you have an old soul... you act like you are about 12 years old and just ramble on and on with facial expressions and hand gestures. Right now you are calling me WeeLe. Which is fine because everything you say cracks me up. Apparently you are just like me (not just the funny and charming parts) because you will go up to anyone and just talk and talk and talk. Sometimes it can be embarrassing but we all let you do your thing. Its been pretty amazing watching you get older and your personality develop, I wasn't there as much for Kyla when she was your age so its incredible to see how you young you were when you started recognizing me. You and I can laugh and laugh for such a long time... the other night after your bath I was supposed to me putting your pajamas on but we just kept tickling each other and laughing hysterically. You think its great to tickle me and its so funny when I crack up. Then Mommy got mad at us for fooling around too much so I put Kyla's princess pajamas on you and pranced around showing them off. It cracked us all up!!!! Then you had to go to bed you said "Goodnight WeeLe," gave me a hug and a kiss and told me you loved me. You are such a special, special boy.
Jonah- Oh, my JoJo, where has the time gone. First off, whatever Mom tells you I brought to the hospital when you were born is probably a lie. Just want to clarify. I remember the night Mom asked me to stay in the hospital with you and her while Daddy was at home with the other kids, I was so proud... but a little nervous. I jumped out of bed everytime I heard you make a noise... (again, if Mom tells you any other stories about me sleeping right through your cries, they are not true) I was so excited to be there for you. And now you are walking around, imitating noises and sometimes you hit me and laugh about it. For awhile there I thought you hated me, (probably because you know what I brought to the hospital the day you were born) but you have started recognizing me pretty fast now. I have been trying to spoil you as much as possible and really win you over, so I think its paying off. Someday you will run into my arms yelling 'LeLe', its just a matter of time. And I just cannot wait for that day.
I cannot wait to see what God has in store for each and every one of you. God has blessed you with some amazing parents who are teaching you to love Jesus, love each other and to be the best people you can be. I know its not always fun because they can be pretty strict, but I promise you it will be worth it when you are my age and you will be eternally thankful. I never want to lose sight of your preciousness and how much I care about you guys. I talk to your Mom and wonder at what capacity I will be able to love my own children because I didn't know my heart could love and care for someone(s) so much. I know someday I will be a better mother to my children because of what I have been so lucky enough to experience with all of you. I love you all so much and hope that even when you can't talk to your Mom and Dad and they aren't "cool" anymore, you can talk to me and trust in me. I will always be there for you... nothing will ever stand in the way of that... I promise you.


Four Boys and a Girl..On Our Journey with Five Kids. said...

Best Blog Ever. :)
So, I think I may actually just steal this and put it on my blog, just so I have it. Thank you for being the best aunt ever to my kids. You are like their second mom and they love you so much (as do I!)!!!
PS. Remember how you counted how many times we talk a day on average? Wasn't it like 30 or something a day? I guess this may be the reason why Kyla and/or Carter ask "is it lele?" everytime the phone rings, lol. no joke.

PSS. Keep the blogging up!!

Nichole said...

You are such a great aunt. I love to see how involved you are with them. They will cherish that so much!