Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A lot on my mind.

1. Do I make things harder than they need to be?
I am well aware of the fact that I am over-analytical... maybe a bit anxious... always stressed...and extremely indecisive. Part of me likes those qualities, part of me hates them, but all of me blames them on my Mother. Every decision I make is a production. I gather the options... and place them in front of every one of my best friends (obvi including my sister and dad as they are two of them) and look for their advice and then make a decision from the collective opinions.
[Note: I should really try making some decisions (aside from the self-destructive ones-I'm good flyin' solo on those) on my own] However, there is no point in starting now... it's not the first yet*.
I am trying to decide what I want to do when my lease is up on December 1st... I have listed the following options. I appreciate every one's input (so basically, you, Maria).
a. Get a 2 bedroom apartment in FM (like Daniels/Colonial-ish), one for me and the other for my office. I have seen some for as low at $600/mo. (eat your heart out Hallie, Ilana, Libby, Amanda, Casey, and Britt). I rarely ever go into the office anymore, so I need a designated office space because my ADD-ass cannot work near a bed, TV, window, refrigerator, etc., and do it productively. I need a feng-shui space that I can close myself in and put up inspiration pictures of mountains that tell me to climb to the top. (Its motivating I tell you.) This obviously will increase my expenses since I only pay $550 now and split utilities and Internet between 2 others. But it'd be nice to have my own space and live closer to the office.**
b. Move in with my dear friend Ashby. She is one of my beautiful church friends, and she and her sister live in Sail Harbor. I would have a much smaller bedroom, but still maintain my own bathroom. I would pay a flat fee of $450/mo and the condo she lives in is beautiful... kinda of like the one I lived in in Bella Terra (the townhouse before the house I am in now). Obviously this is the cheapest of options.
c. Stay where I am. I am obviously not the most happy here as I say very few words to my roommates a day... and it makes it harder that they are sisters. And I snagger and bitch to myself when they leave their crap around and dirty dishes in the sink (dishwasher people!!!!!!!!! HELLO?!) and blah blah (I know I am not perfect and I am sure they think the same if I leave my office stuff around). But I am a road away from my sister (and more importantly my niece and nephews...jk...kinda) and 2 roads from my dad (and his gym and pool), and right next to the interstate, shopping, movies, bars, etc. And I pay $550 and a split the utilities 3 ways. I defo don't have isolated space for my office... I pretty much set up shop on a small desk AND my foyer table... which looks tacky if I don't clean it off every day.
c.ii. There is another opportunity (kind of-?)... this guy Mike that Libby knows is moving to work in North Naples and is interested (I think) in a roommate. I think it may be cool and totally non-petty to live with a guy. And he is interested in the Estero area (maybe Three Oaks) and I was thinking maybe we could get a three bedroom and he could have the master and I could have the other two, one for me and the other as my office... but who knows if he is even interested at this point.
**And what's really the point of moving into central Fort Myers when I never go to the office anyway. I mostly just market now and go to meetings... this way I would be centrally located between all of Southwest Florida.

Thoughts?! Who knows... I know I have time... and in true Alicia fashion I am sure I will stress about it until about November 30th. I want to save money but I also have to think like its investing money into my office space as well. Share your wisdom....

2. Because this is so long I am just going to rant about 2 things... and make this one short. October 1st* is tomorrow (or today technically) and as usual, I am starting the month with new goals (think New Years Resolution-every month) So here's list... I will elaborate on them more later (obviously only if I succeed) and keep you posted on the progress.
- Exercise and eat better. I mean, I eat well... with exception of binge drinking, 2am gorging and the 30th/31st "Last Hurrah" meals. I just need to work out. 11 days (? I've heard 7, 11, 14, and 21, so I'll just psycho-Semitic myself into believing 11) creates a habit... so I need to just do it and get in shape so I can kick-ass on my co-ed soccer team.
- Network more. Join 2 chambers this month and attend at least 2 events. Talk to or market to at least 20 prospects per week. And tell all new people about the biz. And remember to always keep my business cards on me. Always.
-Work 40 hours a week at AIA. (it gets hard when you work 5 ft from your bed/couch/tv)
-Spend less money. Go out less. Save the $4 and make my own coffee (which I have gotten pretty darn good at with exception of once or twice a week).
-Focus more on continuing education... update myself on current insurance news, changes in the market and read more about commercial insurance.
-Read the bible more.
-Make and maintain friendships with men (aside from Lawton). Sometimes I tend to look at men as... well... not friends. Not that I don't like them... its either I'd be interested in them or don't really care to get to know them more or make a challenge out of making them LOVE me. (And I am not even allowing myself to date right now so if anyone else would like to analyze that badboy for me that'd be great.)
Okay... that's all I have for now. As always, your advice and comments are much appreciated... especially the ones that will aide in figuring out my biggest struggles [of the hour].

Oh, and I guess I should add to that to make my own decisions. right.

1 comment:

Four Boys and a Girl..On Our Journey with Five Kids. said...

Ok, since it's so long I truly cannot remember all of it, so I may ramble. First off, remember DO NOT let stress and anxiousness be your idol. REMEMBER THIS. :)

Next, I would truly HATE if you moved out of the area. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you are a STREET away. Seriously. My thoughts are that you should stay down here because almost everything you do is down here. I would try to stay at your place and have Brooke and her sister leave. Then, YOU move into the two bedrooms and rent out the master to a clean roommate. :) I would also negotiate your rent down to $950 a month and have a person rent the master from you for $550 a month, leaving you with a $400 a month rent, yet still in that house. :) I believe my solution is the answer and will solve much of your problems. Your welcome. :)