Friday, September 26, 2008

Lesson Learned: Don't tell your 5-year-old niece a guy a cute.

I know its been forever, and I completely intend on writing more (I mean, I even have a scratch list of subjects I need to blog on- but thats the story of my life, a list thats never fully scratched out.) but... I... just haven't made a priority of it...
Since I thoroughly enjoy reading all my 'Mom Friend's' blogs about their silly children, I figured I would write an Aunt one...
Maria, Kyla, Carter and I went to Publix the other day ordering the kids' cakes for their joint birthday party. I had to do some grocery shopping so I left with Kyla, leaving Maria and Carter to figure out the cake situation. Kyla had fun being my helper and I got a laugh from her response to the vegetables I was picking out. See, vegetables in the Glassford house consist of corn, potatoes, carrots, green beans (maybe).... and salad?? So when she saw me pick out asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower and cucumber, she gave me responses like, you eat those trees (broccoli) and eee, pickles! (cucumber) and asparagus she thought just looked plain gross. Anyway, she loaded up her hands and we made 1 stop at the cart before returning for more. We were looking at the meat/fish area (which again, she was intrigued/disgusted by) and a cute guy is awile off down the aisle. I make the mistake of saying, "ohh he's cute", this grabs Kyla's attention and she asks me, "who?"
"That guy walking over here in the red shirt," I respond.
"Is he married?" (Obviously the only question to be asked?)
"Well, I don't know, Kyla."
"Why don't you go ask him."
"Ugh, I don't think so."
Then my little five-year-old niece starts trekking his way... and I ask, "What are you doing?!"
"Well, if you won't ask him, then I will!"
Luckily, I pull the whole, Kyla Jean Glassford, get your butt back here right now! She gives a little giggle and remains at my side. However, unlucky for me, he's headed our way. As soon as he is about 2 feet from me, she says "LeLe, here he is, here he is!!" I die. I can feel my face on fire and pretend to be intently focused on picking out something-anything!
He obviously hears her and gives a little smirk. HOW EMBARRASSING! oh, but its not over yet!
We're then in the yogurt aisle and who turns the corner but red-shirt guy!
Again, Kyla says, "LeLe, here he is again! Look right there!" (I obviously see him kid, I am just trying to ignore you or pretend you have mental difficiencies!!!) He is probably embarrassed by now too and scurries off to the end of the aisle and I whisper, "Ky- you can't say stuff like that- you're embarrassing me!"
And she proceeds to yell, "Why?! You said you wanted to marry him!" I know he heard her. I know. Then I told her I was mad at her for doing that and she laughed... mostly because she knows she has me wrapped around her little sparkly pink nail painted finger. We pass by him one last time at the registers and she goes, "Look LeLe, there he is AGAIN!"... takes a look at my face and says, "just kidding!" With a glowing smile.
It was extremely embarrassing, but all the while, I love the little girl. She was only trying to get me hitched. I mean, Maria must coach her into convincing me to get married. Or maybe she just wants some more cousins. Well, I have news for her... it'll be a long time coming.


Four Boys and a Girl..On Our Journey with Five Kids. said...

Love this story!!! I'm cracking up reading it..I may copy it over to my blog, just for a nice Kyla story. :)

Libby said...

