14.Get a puppy
I got a puppy! He is a chocolate miniature pinscher who was born on May 10th. I found him from a breeder in Orlando and brought him home on July 3rd. He has the best spunky personality, handsome green eyes and so much love to give!
15.Come up with a great name for my puppy
I named my sweet little boy, Dallas. I went looking for a girl and had always planned on having a girl, but I jus fell in love with this little boy. I thought up a TON of girl names but knew if I got boy it would have something to do with sports or one of my beloved teams. This is my little Dallas Rock Meyer.
16.Catch a fish
In October, we went on a retreat with Crew in Duck Key. My friend David who is like a professional fisherman, took a few of us girls out on a boat and took us fishing. Not only did I catch a fish, but a shark!! A little lemon shark... it was pretty amazing. Pictures to come...
38.Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen
In June, we had Mission 2010 for our high school youth group. In years past they have traveled to South Carolina in nice vans and stayed in dorm-style places to serve the community. This year we decided to surprise the kids and keep them local. We camped (see #53) at a local camp ground and on Thursday, July 1st, we served in the soup kitchen in Fort Myers. The crowd was rough, but we managed to make trays and trays of food for each individual to enjoy. It was an awesome experience for myself and the youth group kids that came along.
42.Surprise someone with ice cream
I brought my sister and bil ice cream from Coldstone after I went shopping with Sean for his birthday... they loved it!
47.Bake cookies from scratch
I baked some great pumpkin spiced cookies for Crew two weeks ago, a few people even asked for my recipe and one guy knew they were from scratch!
53.Go camping
As previously mentioned (see #38) I went camping with our youth group locally. It wasn't fun camping with friends where we fish and make chili and roast marshmellows in nice weather. It was rough. Not to mention, I was a leader- having to make sure my 6 girls were safe, quite, sleeping and not catching malaria. Did I mention it was June in Florida? Writing about the heat and the mosquitos won't do the experience any justice. Here is me before going to sleep the first night... see the smile still on my face?
54.Give to a friend for a mission trip
My friend Jennifer left for Russia about a month ago. We went to Russia together to teach some business courses at an institute. I had the opportunity to give money toward her trip which was such a blessing!
62.Go shopping with Sean
My nephew Sean turned 13 on June 1st. So I had some birthday shopping to make up to him- this was my frst completed item on my Day Zero List. He bought some video game... he was thrilled. :)
65.Swim in the ocean in the dark
This one is a funny story... Basically, on my way home from Sanibel one night I was telling my friend KJ about this item on the list. He told me to pull over... I'm talking, it was probably close to 1am and we spontaneously walked in the ocean just before the Causeway and went swimming. It was pretty fun! (Especially when we came to my friend Renee's soaked...)
66.Send someone a card with a hundred dollar bill just because
A girl I have known for some time had mentioned on Facebook that she lost $80 or something like that... I thought it was the perfect opportunity for this one. I wrote down a scripture in a card, slid in a $100 bill put it at her door... I didn't sign my name or anything and the next day I saw her Facebook status say something about the little angel coming to confess. (I hope she doesn't read my blog) It felt good to do something nice without anyone (until now) knowing about it.
69.Have a garage sale
We had a great garage sale at my sisters with 2 of our friends... I think I made around $60... it wasn't as good as they have been in the past... but I really need to purge my closet and do a serious garage sale!75.Buy the Milby's a date & babysit the kiddos
Last week I volunteered to babysit for the Milby's... I got them a gift certificate to Outback and got to play a fun game with the kids. Their kids are so well behaved and have nicknamed me Awesome Alicia... so obviously, I love being around them.
77.Take Carter out for ice cream
On my sisters birthday, we pawned off her youngest son to a friend and went shopping and got pedicures. We were running a bit late, so I had to pick up Carter from school and she went to get Jonah. This picture is after school, before I took him to Coldstone. He ordered cotton candy ice cream with gummy bears... when the gummy bears were gone, he was done with the ice cream. It was pretty funny. I love this little boy.
80.Visit the Liekweg's
I finally got to see Renee and Chris in Wisconsin! I flew up there for about 5 days and it was absolutely amazing. It was such a nice recharge time for me... lots of relaxing, painting and just hanging out with my best friend. Renee and I had amazing talks and time with God. I was so appreciative of our time together.
On our Crew retreat, David led our group to an isolated place (around mile marker 30 and then 20 miles of US1) that gave us an amazing view of the stars. It is so weird to me that the farther away from land you go, the better view of the stars you have. It is easy for me to have this finite view… I wonder what the stars look like from Heaven
97.Go to a Gator game
My best and oldest friend, Libby came home from
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